Friday, August 15, 2008

Area Attraction Lists for Out-of-Town Guests

Two weeks ago Exceptional Events suggested giving personalized Michigan gift baskets to your out-of-town wedding guests. Another nice consideration for guests unfamiliar with your wedding city is a list of your favorite local attractions - restaurants and bars, parks and museums, shops, and even walks or drives.

Your guests will appreciate suggestions for activities to occupy their free time before and after your wedding, and the personalized touch will show them you want to make their trip as special as your big day.

Be sure to include descriptions for why you chose each attraction - maybe it was the place you first met, a favorite date spot, or your decadent late night coffee shop - and don’t forget to include a map.

A personalized itinerary for you out-of-town guests can be the perfect addition to a local gift basket, and with Michigan’s natural beauty and cultural attractions, your guests will remember your wedding as the complete getaway celebration.

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